Mildred’s Lane is now a 501c3 Nonprofit!
Mildred’s Lane is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit!
Please Support Our End-of-Year Fundraising Drive
A Message from the co-Founders,
J. Morgan Puett & Mark Dion
We survived a global pandemic, tornadoes, financial struggles, and there may be darker times ahead, but we are reinvigorated by the news we just received:
As we enter a phase that will doubtlessly prove challenging for the cultural arena, we at Mildred’s Lane pledge to continue to persevere with our cutting-edge social engagement and arts education programming. With your help, we look forward to making 2025 a year of extraordinary events, lectures, workshops, and exhibitions aimed at strengthening alliances across disciplines through our unique blend of scholarship and joyful art production.
The creative, experimental community we have fostered over the past twenty-plus years, while motivated and passionate, still requires your support to thrive. Please support Mildred’s Lane through our fellowship and scholarship programs. Please give generously to Mildred’s Lane, Inc. and keep supporting the arts, environment, and interdisciplinary culture!
With deepest thanks, we hope to see you in these woods in 2025!
J. Morgan Puett & Mark Dion
Ways you can support us in 2025
Donate in any amount or shop our holiday sale (details below)
Every contribution keeps Mildred’s Lane alive as an experimental platform for contemporary art, ecology, and collaborative practice.
Members provide critical support for Mildred’s Lane Inc. while enjoying admission to special events and discounts on all program enrollment, overnight stays, Social Saturdays, and collections. See more information about membership on our website,
Collect an exclusive Mark Dion lithograph, and receive all the benefits of Annual Membership.
All donations are tax-deductible
Another Way to Support: Shop our Holiday Sale!
In September, Mildred’s Lane launched an exciting new facility, The Department of Interstitchiaries, a production and retail space in the restored Quonset Hut at the entrance of our 93-acre living landscape in Beach Lake, PA. Visiting the D.o.I in-person is a one-of-a-kind experience, but you can also shop online for unique Mildred’s Lane collectibles and artworks!
All collectibles are being sold to support 2025 programming and operations for Mildred’s Lane Inc. Sales of original artworks are split with the makers, so you can support your favorite Mildred’s Lane collaborators by buying their work through our site!