BIBLIOPHANTICS at Mildred's Lane

Landscape / Democracy / Wellness
Mildred's Lane in an Age of Coronavirus Horror


September 15 through 30

Thyrza Nichols Goodeve, a.k.a., THE BIBLIOPHANT

Visiting Readers include. Nina Burleigh / Moyra Davey / Alastair Gordon / Asti Hustvedt / Alex A. Jones / Leonard Nalencz / Barbara De Vries / Heide Hatry / John Wonoski / others to be announced.

This is an intensive reading retreat for book fanatics who want to think about reading, its history in relation to technology, the unique art book, and book annotations as art. Readers will experience plein-air installations in the landscape, designed for creative repose and relaxation, awakening all senses for complete comprehension -- reading and thinking amongst the trees, fields, and streams.

Activities include open reading sessions, guest speakers, annotation/drawing-in-books, and book-making workshops. Evenings are filled with shared dining experiences and socials during the most magical season of the year at Mildred’s Lane—early autumn.

Week 1 will be devoted to visiting speakers, field trips to local bookstores, and reading by the fire in the enchanting Mildred's Lane Library--consuming quietly -- aloud -- socially -- privately. Week 2 will be led by our session mentor, Thyrza Nichols Goodeve, in morning lecture/discussions of the history of reading/writing and technology from cuneiform to print to digital.  
