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VIROSA Presents: Degenerate Cinema

Opening March 11, 2023

VIROSA Presents: Degenerate Cinema at The Mildred Complex(ity) Project Space, Narrowsburg, NY

Degenerate adj. ||  1 having declined, as in function or nature, from a former or original state   2 morally corrupt or given to vice   3 [mathematics] being simpler than the typical use, i.e., a degenerate hyperbola   4 [physics & astronomy] characterized by atoms stripped of their electrons and by very great density, i.e., degenerate matter; a degenerate star

Degenerate v. ||  1 to pass from a higher to a lower type or condition   2 to sink into a low intellectual or moral state   3 to decline in quality   4 [biology] to evolve or develop into a less autonomous or functionally active form

VIROSA Presents: Degenerate Cinema is an exhibition of experimental film, prints, and sculpture by VIROSA. Two recent narrative short films will be on view, both with deep ties to Mildred’s Lane. Poor Magic, a surrealist short about a foolish magician in pursuit of his shadow, was filmed at Mildred’s Lane during the pandemic lockdown of 2020. Fishbowl, an experimental narrative about a man who breaks into a museum to clean fossils by night, was edited at Mildred’s Lane in the deep winter of 2022 after filming in Los Angeles and Brooklyn. In addition to the films, VIROSA will exhibit objects in materials including glass, paper, clay, and 3D-printed plastic which have emerged from their filmmaking practice.

The exhibition will be on view through April 2023.

November 7


May 22

Alastair Gordon: Pattern Recognition #2