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These Little Phalluses

Storefront Practices in the Social Realm
2 Post Hill Road and Main Street / Mountaindale, NY 12763


Exhibition Opening / August 10 / 4 pm - 7 pm

CoCurated by Leigh Claire La Berge, Caroline Woolard, and Paige Landesberg with A Guide to the Field.

Featuring objects and texts by artists, collectives, and cultural workers:

Liz Barr / David Brooks / Cameron Clayborn / Jorge Colombo / Mira Dayal / Mark Dion / Ivana Dizdar / Daria Dorosh / GenderFail / Heather Greene / Jeffrey Jenkins / Jon Kessler / Nancy Kim / Leigh Claire La Berge / Paige Landesberg / Pixy Liao / Abby Lutz / Sariah Park / Rebecca Purcell / J Morgan Puett / Macushla Robinson / Rodolfo Salgado, Jr. / Gina Siepel / Matthew Solomon / Allison Smith / Caroline Wallner / Allison Ward / Natalie Wilkin / Caroline Woolard / Amy Yoes / Jim Zivic / and fellows of Mildred’s Lane.

A Guide to the Field presents Phallacies, a show that represents the nuance of sex, possibility and power. Featuring a diverse range of works, Phallacies outlines the relationship between art practice and sexual practice. Taking its cue from queer and trans critiques of the body, embodiment, desire and despair, Phallacies asks: how do changing instruments for and representations of sex pose both an opening and a site of longing?

A fallacy is an incorrect assertion, but, according to Jacques Lacan, so is a phallus. It is always an object of fantasy, of imagination, of a lack of having and a desire to have more. No one really has one. But everyone might.

If we accept the radical imperative that gender needs to be undone, or the even more radical understanding that it has been undone, then what sex toys will we use? This is not a small question. Gender and sexuality are composed of a mix of fantasy and reality, history and presents. One thing we do know, however, is that gender can change because it has changed.

Image: Pixy Liao, Play Station


A Guide to the Field is a project gallery devoted to showing, making, and collecting environmentally, socially and politically sensitive artwork, including; textiles, sculpture, clothing, furniture, photography, painting, ceramics, etc. – fine art in the everyday – set in topic-driven installations (swarmings) by artists working in the social sphere. Visitors experience a storefront apartment environment, as an interactive installation of making, cooking, cleaning, playing, resting, reading, thinking – being.

Each week A Guide to the Field features one or more things to COLLECT from the exhibition installation currently active in the storefront apartment in Mountaindale, NY.

COLLECT from A Guide to the Field

A Guide to the Field: Storefront Practices in the Social Realm
2 Post Hill Road and Main Street / Mountaindale, NY 12763 / Instagram: @aguidetothefield

Open Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday in August. and hours through November. Also, by appointment.
Overnight stays for destination guests contact or see Mildred's Lane listings on Airbnb for lodging near Narrowsburg on the Delaware River.

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August 3

Social Saturday - Leigh Claire La Berge and Caroline Woolard / Marx for Cats

November 30
